Unraveling Workers’ Letters: The Voices behind Nelly Don

Rhoda Jackson


Rhoda Jackson, Letter
Rhoda Jackson
Letter by factory worker noting that she has been employed at the Donnelly Garment Company for eight years and the company had not had labor disputes during that time. Jackson describes her wage and working conditions and notes she is saving to buy a home. She expresses her gratitude to Nell Donnelly Reed and to her coworkers.
Date Original
October 17, 1937
North Kansas City, Missouri
Collection name
James A. Reed Collection, K0443
Box 34
The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City
The State Historical Society of Missouri-Kansas City
Access Rights
The Donor hereby gives and assigns to the University all rights of copyright which the Donor has in (a) the Materials and (b) in such of his works as may be found among any collections of Materials received by the University from others.
Oct. 17, 1937
I have been employed by the Donnelly Gar. Co. for about eight years and in all that time we have never had any labor disputes among our employees, every one is satisfied with their work & their salaries. I am just a plain operator & make from eighteen to twenty six dollars a week, some special operators make from forty to forty-five per week. The girls are all using this money toward buying homes, sending their children through schools & colleges, and doing a lot of good with their earnings. I am using my wages toward buying our home.

I have never been absent from work on account of sickness, since I worked here, have worked steady through all seasons and I am just as fit to work now as I was when I came here eight years ago. My health has been fine and I love my work so much, I don’t have time to get sick. Our work rooms are light, clean & well ventilated, so there is no cause for sickness here. If we get the slightest ailment we have a nurse and plenty of medicine all furnished by the Co. and we are free to assistance any time.

I am grateful & most thankful for the brightness & sunshine this work has brought to the most loyal group – both Employer & Employees and may all the future be just as bright – D.G.W.U.

Rhoda Jackson
North K.C. Mo.
R. 4