Illuminating a Musical Legacy: The Barney Kessel Project

The Book That Never Was


BK Title Page
BK Travel
BK Travel Anecdote
BK Travel Anecdote 2
The Book That Never Was
Notes on a book that Barney Kessel envisioned
In the LaBudde Special Collections, there were several artifacts referring to a book that were dated after the publication of Barney Kessel's book, The Guitar. Phyllis Kessel confirmed via phone interview that Barney Kessel wanted to write a second book. While these notes are ideas that may have been scrapped along the way, they represent the kind of book Kessel envisioned. The "table of contents" suggest that Kessel conceptualized a mix of autobiographical stories and advice for professional musicians. Other notes support this idea, including the notes here with advice on air travel, and a story about an unfortunate travel incident in St. Louis.
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