Silent Autumn

Score title

Silent Autumn


Akira Nishimura

More about the composer



Program note

This work, written from February to March 2014, was commissioned by and dedicated to Mieko Takasu, a young virtuosic principal oboist of Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchstra.
The content of the work is based on Takasu's thoughts and its title Silent Autumn has the meaning as follows:

Just as a year has the four seasons, a lifetime of a human being also has spring and autumn.
Some people pass away after enjoying the whole season, yet others, for some reason, die half way through their lives.
There are people who couldn't live out their days. The beautiful autumn which should have come to them is settling into the stagnated time of season and remains silent in deep solitude. I would like to passionately call to the faraway autumn with my deep breath......

This is an elegy like a cry for the silent autumn which the dead left behind and in which their souls might reside. On the last note of the oboe with double trill and crescendo, there is a direction "as cry to the deep silence." The duration is about 14 minutes.

(Translated by Arisa Iida)