Loser Dumplings from Interstate

Score title

Loser Dumplings from Interstate


Melissa Li

More about the composer



Program note

A scene from the musical Interstate.

Interstate is a pop-rock poetry musical about a Queer Asian-American duo comprised of Dash, a transgender spoken word performer, and his best friend Adrian, a lesbian singer-songwriter. Fueled by the allure of fame and a desire to connect with their community, they embark on their first national tour. Their music touches Henry, a South Asian transgender teenage boy living in Kentucky, and he finds solace in their art as he struggles with his own identity and family. After blogging about the band and documenting his own gender journey, he decides to set out on a quest to meet his heroes in person, hoping to find answers to his own struggles.

Interstate is a touching story about how two transgender people at different stages of their journey navigate love, family, masculinity, and finding a community in the era of social media.