

Ansink, Caroline - Los
Score title
Caroline Ansink
More about the composer
Caroline Ansink
Program note
"'Los' was composed for the 25th anniversary of the Internationaler Arbeitskreis Frau und Musik and is a celebration of these years so full of hope, of fresh enthusiasm and feminine-- or rather, was it perhaps androgynous? --power. I found the right atmosphere in the poem by R.M. Rilke 'Da neigt sich die Stunde und rührt mich an' (The hour passes and touches me), which inspired Elke Mascha Blankenburg when she founded the Arbeitskreis. The title of the composition reflects the last lines of the poem:

'und halte es hoch, und ich weiss nicht wem löst es die Seele los...'
(and hold it high, and I do not know whose soul it is releasing)."

--Caroline Ansink