Non perpetuum mobile


Stepalska-Spix, Joanna - Non perpetuum mobile
Score title
Non perpetuum mobile
Joanna Stepalska-Spix
More about the composer
Joanna Stepalska-Spix
Program note
"Perpetuum mobile (latin: continuous movement) also means a virtuoso piece of music, very fast and with small rhythmic values. The title 'Non perpetuum mobile' indicates that this is not always the case in this piece of music. Only the first and third parts of the composition are fast and rhythmic (mainly in semiquavers and demisemiquavers). The whole piece has associations (for me) with life in a beehive. The first part portrays the daily work of the humming bees; the second, rather slower part (soave) is a reminder of the death of the queen bee. In the last part the swarm revives-- a new queen bee reigns in the beehive, life goes on."

--Joanna Stepalska-Spix