Harriet Tubman: When I Crossed That Line to Freedom


Okoye, Nkeiru - Harriet Tubman
Score title
Harriet Tubman: When I Crossed That Line to Freedom
Nkeiru Okoye
More about the composer
Nkeiru Okoye
Program note
HARRIET TUBMAN: When I Crossed that Line to Freedom is a two act theatrical work that tells of how a young girl born in slavery, becomes Harriet Tubman, the legendary Underground Railroad conductor. Based on recent Tubman biographies, the story is told in the context of Tubman’s tight-knit family of lively characters. HARRIET TUBMAN carries the universal themes of sisterhood, courage, sacrifice and doing what is necessary to keep a family together. Moreover it is a heartwarming tale of two sisters vowing that nothing but death will separate them, despite the slavery threatening to tear them apart.